Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Our friend Heather is telling Rob and I a story about how her son, Ben, was at a party at Chuck E Cheese. He's running with a cup of tokens and takes a spill - he's OK, and of course didn't drop his tokens. The sound effects she used while telling the story really got Micah laughing. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Micah & Quinn

Quinn is such a tolerant dog. Please enjoy this short video of Micah playing with Quinn.

Here's one more... can't forget to add the video of Micah playing with Quinn's tail.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Micah's 2 seconds...

For those of you that were not awake and watching NBC10 news at 5:30AM yesterday, here's Micah's birthday blurb on the news. Sound is not so great, but you get the idea. :) ...his birthday greeting is the third one.

{micah on NBC10 News}

Friday, September 12, 2008


I blinked and...

grew into...

Micah's first birthday is around the corner (the 22nd). He's almost walking (he can take 5-6 steps!). He cruises around with ease and has recently taken an interest in going up the steps... often.
Here's a recent video of something new that cracks Micah up:

{daddy pillow}

Saturday, July 26, 2008

micah palooza

As promised, here are some fun new videos of micah being cute.

micah celebrated his first 4th of july with us, his mom-mom and uncle brian. We enjoyed a BBQ and micah was of course the entertainment.

{On the 4th of july}

micah seemed to enjoy playing in his new pool. The boat-shaped thing he's sitting on is actually the canopy. We had taken it off to give him a little sun (the water was a little on the cold side). Once we removed it, all micah wanted to do was reach for it, so we decided to let him sit in it. It was shortlived, but a photo op nonetheless.

{In his new pool}

I don't think we could have planned this video if we tried. this might have to get sent to AFV.

{playing with quinn}

Thursday, July 24, 2008

kitchen sink bath

Quite a few people have told me, "we used to bathe our baby in the kitchen sink." So... we decided we should give it a try.

It was a bit tricky at first. He managed to get his hands on the soapy water bowl and spill it. Eventually, he seemed to enjoy his bath. He particularly enjoyed running his fingers through the water spray.

Let me preface by saying that the term "taping" or "taking video" has been replaced with the term "videoing". It's just something we've started saying that we thought was funny and it just kind of stuck.

The banging in the beginning of the video is Mom-Mom's attempt to get Micah to look up at the camera and smile. She was unaware that we were videoing -and might I add was none too thrilled to have been 'caught' on video herself :)

Here's a clip from his first kitchen sink bath...

{micah's first kitchen sink bath}

More videos to come... Micah just had his first baby pool experience today and I've been meaning to post a video that I took on the 4th of July of Micah playing guitar. I hope to get those up soon.

Monday, June 16, 2008

So Sweet

Micah has starting making raspberries, it's like his own language!

{sweet raspberries}

Grandpop & Donna came to visit for brunch last weekend. Micah had a special treat when Grandpop gave him his bottle :)

{sweet moment}

On Father's Day we took the family to Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop's for dinner. I wanted to share these wonderful photos of Micah & Pop-Pop. (Notice the fun reflection in the first photo!)

{sweet kisses}

Last but not least... tender sweet carrots...

I took this photo after tonight's meal... Micah really enjoyed his carrots.

{sweet carrots}

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Giggler

After a somewhat cranky afternoon {out of character for Micah, but that's what happens when he naps for 45 minutes instead of his usual 2 hours}, when all else fails, playing on Mommy & Daddy's bed usually puts a smile on Micah's face {I got smiles AND giggles!}. Quinn, our super dog, remains still and unamused in the background.

Enjoy two new videos!

and if you want a little more... here's another!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

yummy smiles and delicious giggles

Two new videos that needed to be shared...

In this first video you will see a smiling Micah as he enjoys his first of many bean bag rides. At the end of the video he may appear a bit unenthused - that's merely because he had already been enjoying rides for a while before we finally grabbed the camera to catch the smiles. Enjoy!

As the name of this blog suggests, it's all about the belly kisses... here's a fun video with great giggles! {sorry so dark}

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Any minute now...

Any minute now Micah will wake up from his nap and my attempt to write another post will be over. I took some cute photos of the little guy yesterday and wanted to upload one here {although they will all be posted on snapfish at the end of the month}. He's getting the hang of sitting on his own. However, after a few minutes he gets brazen, starts moving around a bit more than he can handle and then falls over :(

{he's smiling at Noggin on TV - I think he heard Moose talking}

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

First Post

A blog? C'mon, right? I figured it might be a neat way to update friends and family on Micah's milestones and moments. It might also be a good way to bounce ideas around for our business, nik's knacks designs.

OK, so "Peanut Butter & Belly" - what's that all about? Well, those who know me are aware that I've pretty much eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwiches almost every day for the last 8 years. And with the addition of our wonderful 7 month old son in our lives, his 'belly' has become quite a delicacy :) Hence... Peanut Butter & Belly.

A colleague of my mother-in-law mentioned that expression on Kid's Day at her office and I really thought it was clever.

So with my first post, I've attached a fun video of Micah laughing on his play mat. I've got to go now, as Micah's bottle is being warmed and it's time to get him ready for bed.

{gotta love that giggle!}