Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Giggler

After a somewhat cranky afternoon {out of character for Micah, but that's what happens when he naps for 45 minutes instead of his usual 2 hours}, when all else fails, playing on Mommy & Daddy's bed usually puts a smile on Micah's face {I got smiles AND giggles!}. Quinn, our super dog, remains still and unamused in the background.

Enjoy two new videos!

and if you want a little more... here's another!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

yummy smiles and delicious giggles

Two new videos that needed to be shared...

In this first video you will see a smiling Micah as he enjoys his first of many bean bag rides. At the end of the video he may appear a bit unenthused - that's merely because he had already been enjoying rides for a while before we finally grabbed the camera to catch the smiles. Enjoy!

As the name of this blog suggests, it's all about the belly kisses... here's a fun video with great giggles! {sorry so dark}

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Any minute now...

Any minute now Micah will wake up from his nap and my attempt to write another post will be over. I took some cute photos of the little guy yesterday and wanted to upload one here {although they will all be posted on snapfish at the end of the month}. He's getting the hang of sitting on his own. However, after a few minutes he gets brazen, starts moving around a bit more than he can handle and then falls over :(

{he's smiling at Noggin on TV - I think he heard Moose talking}

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

First Post

A blog? C'mon, right? I figured it might be a neat way to update friends and family on Micah's milestones and moments. It might also be a good way to bounce ideas around for our business, nik's knacks designs.

OK, so "Peanut Butter & Belly" - what's that all about? Well, those who know me are aware that I've pretty much eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwiches almost every day for the last 8 years. And with the addition of our wonderful 7 month old son in our lives, his 'belly' has become quite a delicacy :) Hence... Peanut Butter & Belly.

A colleague of my mother-in-law mentioned that expression on Kid's Day at her office and I really thought it was clever.

So with my first post, I've attached a fun video of Micah laughing on his play mat. I've got to go now, as Micah's bottle is being warmed and it's time to get him ready for bed.

{gotta love that giggle!}